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Catalog Number: SJF30

  • For Dry Abrasives or Liquid Blasting

  • Includes Two Steel Nozzles

  • The Sandy Jet Abrasive Blaster Gun is a siphon type system which does not come with a tank. Instead, the 10' (3 m) long abrasive feeder hose with chrome plated pick-up tube can be lowered into any abrasive container, eliminating the need to refill bulky reservoir tanks. The Sandy Jet system requires a compressor, that can supply between 7 cfm’s (3,303 cm/sec) @80 psi (5.5 bars). Three Steel Nozzles are supplied, two 1/4" (6 mm) and one 13/64" (5.2 mm). Two Air Jets are supplied, one 5/64" (2.0 mm) and one 1/8" (3.2 mm). The Sandy Jet can also be used with liquids for cleaning. Replacement Steel Nozzles, Ceramic Nozzles (for longer life), and Air Jets are available.

    CRL Sandy Jet Abrasive Blaster Gun


    Altri prodotti/finiture:

    SJF30 CRL Sandy Jet Abrasive Blaster Gun

    Numero articolo:SJF30
    Disponibile anche in questi cataloghi:
    CRL73R Tools, Machinery, and Equipment, PAGINA 561K
    Spedire via::Si può spedire con UPS
    Peso della spedizione::20 lb (9,07kg)

    In questo momento non sono disponibili informazioni aggiuntive sul prodotto.

    Silica dust created by sandblasting poses a threat to your respiratory system and may cause irreversible lung damage. Always wear the proper safety gear when using this product.

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