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Catalog Number: CAB

  • Use to Score Thick Glass

  • Replacement Carbide Wheel Glass Cutter for Cat. No. BR1 Glass Breaker Tool

  • This CRL Carbide Replacement Carbide Wheel Glass Cutter is widely used in the glass industry among people working with thick glass. It is the same exact cutter supplied with the BR1 Heavy Glass Breaker. It has a ball end handle that is very popular with professional glazier's and also features a 148º hone angle on the wheel with a phosphor bronze axle, the finest known bearing for glass cutter wheels. Each cutter goes through 28 operations with nine key inspections during the manufacturing process. Then it is tested on glass to make sure a smooth, clean cut edge is produced.

    CRL Carbide Replacement Carbide Wheel Glass Cutter


    Altri prodotti/finiture:

    CAB CRL Carbide Replacement Carbide Wheel Glass Cutter

    Numero articolo:CAB
    Disponibile anche in questi cataloghi:
    CRL73R Tools, Machinery, and Equipment, PAGINA 142K
    GG2014A European Glass & Glazing, PAGINA TE017
    Spedire via::Si può spedire con UPS
    Peso della spedizione::0.1 lb (454g)
    Ordine Minimo:1 Each

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